For many years, EGYTRAFO Group has been demonstrating a deep commitment to business integrity. Integrity is at the core of who we are. It’s one of our foundational values and a crucial factor in establishing the trust that underlies our relationships with customers, suppliers, community and other business entities. For us, to be successful in our industry, we must make sure that EGYTRAFO brand is synonymous with trust, integrity, quality and the highest ethical standards.
We recently have decided to work on writing a clear ethics charter that will become a benchmark for everyone on issues of group or individual behavior and action. This does not mean that the Group is now discovering the need to act ethically in its businesses; rather, the Group is again formalizing and re-affirming principles that are already well known and respected within its organization, and applying them in a broader framework.
Each of us is accountable for living up to these high standards every day, in all our actions. In a complex business environment, however, it is not always obvious what the right course of action is. That’s why we have an EGYTRAFO Code of Ethics and Conduct as a resource on ethical business practices. It is a guide for navigating the kinds of business situations we confront every day and arming us with the tools we need to make good decisions as we do our jobs.
I urge you to review the Code thoroughly. Of course, no one document can cover every situation that will arise in the course of your job. Therefore, you can and should take up any questions or concerns with your department manager and the HR Department. I hope that everyone will fully respect the ethical principles that this Code reaffirms.